Sample Page – Cane Toss

Game Rules

Player throws three rings, attempting to ring a cane. One ring on a cane wins.

Game Description

This game consists of a table, made from pegboard, a wood frame and wooden legs. The canes are made from wooden dowels and shaker pegs.

The Game Board/Table

The pegboard that makes up the game is 48″ long by 24″ wide.

The pegboard is framed by a 2″ board, top and bottom.

The legs are called “Parson’s table legs” and are 14″ long and measure  1.75″ x 1.75″. A hole is drilled and a hanger bolt is screwed into the top of the leg.

4 Straight Top Plates (to hold the legs) are attached to the bottom of the table, one in each corner.

The Canes

The canes are made of 1/4″ wooden dowel, 36″ long. The shaker pegs are drilled in the bottom, a little bit bigger than 1/4″.

The shaker peg is then glued onto the dowel.

Material List

  • One 48″ x 24″ sheet of 1/4″ pegboard
  • 24 feet of 3″ pine board (3/4″ inch thick)
  • 50 1/4″ wooden dowels
  • 50 shaker pegs, available in craft stores
  • 4 Parson’s table legs (1.75″ x 1.75″)
  • 4 Straight Top Plates, available in Home Depot (Waddell Mfg Part # 2751)
  • Paint as needed
  • Wood glue
  • 1.5″ screws
  • 3 plastic rings (1.5″ to 3.5″) available from carnival supply companies or craft stores

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Hey Jack, Thanks so much.

My 7 year old daughter just climbed on my lap and we watched some of your videos together.

There are some games I know I could do in time for my son's birthday.

Love it!

Jill M